Reflexión navideña – Al Mansfield

UN MATRIMONIO HECHO EN EL CIELO Diciembre de 2024 Por Al Mansfield  El cardenal Leo Joseph Suenens fue uno de los eclesiásticos más prominentes e influyentes del siglo pasado. Fue uno de los principales impulsores del Concilio Vaticano II. El cardenal Suenens era...

Reflexão de Natal – Al Mansfield

UM CASAMENTO FEITO NO CÉUDezembro de 2024Por Al Mansfield O cardeal Leo Joseph Suenens foi um dos clérigos mais proeminentes e influentes do último século. Ele foi um dos “primeiros impulsionadores” no Concílio Vaticano II. O cardeal Suenens era...

Christmas Reflection – Al Mansfield

A MARRIAGE MADE IN HEAVENDecember 2024By Al Mansfield Cardinal Leo Joseph Suenens was one of the most prominent and influential churchmen of the last century. He was one of the “prime movers” at the Second Vatican Council. Cardinal Suenens was intensely...

Upper Room Retreat – February 2025

Registration InformationThis form is to register as an overnight participant for the Upper Room Retreat at The Ark and The Dove in February, 2025 . Participant Name(Required)...

57th Anniversary Registration Form

57th Anniversary of the Duquesne Weekend (2024) This form is to be used to register for the 57th Anniversary celebration of the Duquesne Weekend. Saturday, February 17, 2024 3:00 p.m. EST Upper Room Chapel The Ark and The Dove 107845 Babcock Blvd. Gibsonia, PA 15044...