The Ark and The Dove
Historical Site of the “Duquesne Weekend”
Introduction. In response to Pope Francis’ commission to the Renewal, in the hopes of unifying the many expressions of the Renewal, in anticipation of the Jubilee and the 50th anniversary of the Duquesne Weekend, to reclaim our historical site, to increase the visibility and identity of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, to proclaim the love of God though His Son Jesus in the POWER of the Holy Spirit, The Ark and The Dove can be that rallying point for the Renewal worldwide!
The Duquesne Weekend. In February 1967, about 25 college students from Duquesne University attended a retreat at The Ark and The Dove Retreat Center near Pittsburgh. It was on this retreat that the Holy Spirit fell in power. Today, we trace the beginnings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal back to this historic event. For more, see Patti Mansfield’s testimony from the Duquesne Weekend herein (reprinted with permission).
Purchase of The Ark and The Dove Retreat Center. In January 2015, the NSC was notified that this retreat center, currently owned by the Sisters of Divine Providence and called Providence Villa, would be for sale. Trusting in God’s providence, trusting that we stay in His will, we have begun the process of purchasing the property with expectations of joint ownership with other renewal groups. Our hope is to secure the property and reclaim its identity as The Ark and The Dove.