The Ark and The Dove, Inc. today announced that the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ (DLJC) will take up residence at the historic site of the “Duquesne Weekend” where nearly 50 years ago the Holy Spirit fell in power on a handful of Duquesne University students. Many in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and others baptized in the Holy Spirit trace their beginnings back to this event.
The DLJC will serve as administrators of The Ark and The Dove Retreat Center.
The DLJC is the first Catholic Charismatic Religious Community that was born out of this powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Their charism of prayer, evangelization, and hospitality align perfectly with The Ark and The Dove’s vision “to foster unity with those who have received this outpouring and to extend that grace for generations to come.” To have such a community administering the home where baptism in the Holy Spirit began is possible only by the grace of God.

The first Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ to make The Ark and The Dove their home are Sister Bernadette and Sister Mary Gianna.

Sister Bernadette

Sister Mary Gianna
